
General Info

Name: Harry
Gender: Male
Date of birth: 15-08-2019
FCI-pedigree: No
Pedigree: http://www.bloedlijnen.nl/?BRN=36559


  • PH I 425 CL (13-05-2022, Reusel)
  • PH II 438 CL (03-07-2022, Eindhoven)
  • Object Guard CL (06-05-2023, Heeze)


  • 1st place PH II Qualifying Match (436)
  • 16th place PH I Nationals 2022
  • 5th place Object Guard Nationals 2023

Harry is son of Rudie. In many aspects he is full copy of his father. He is a very complete police dog. Extreme hunt drive, a lot of possessiveness on everything he finds. Big muscled headpiece, with a hard and full grip. Besides being a super police dog, he is social to everyone. He is fine with kids, strangers, other animals. Frozen semen available worldwide.

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